Our most recent passages explored.
Isaiah 53:2
Yeshuas magnificence went unnoticed on this earth.
Joshua Linog
3/28/2022 7:39:10
Isaiah 53:7
He did not speak against his abusers.
3/7/2022 11:59:02
CATEGORY #themessiahservant
Isaiah 53:1
nobody's gonna listen to / obey what the servant and Yah did, but i gotta tell ya anyways.
2/23/2022 16:18:54
CATEGORY #gospel
Isaiah 52:15
Yeshua will make himself known to the gentiles, and rulers will be shocked.
2/20/2022 19:13:31
Isaiah 52:14
2/18/2022 17:10:25
Isaiah 52:13
2/16/2022 13:46:02
Isaiah 53:5
2/14/2022 16:21:33
Isaiah 53:4
2/14/2022 16:20:43
Isaiah 53:6
2/14/2022 14:28:07
CATEGORY #Isaiah52:13-53:12
Isaiah 53:3
They treat the holy one, the servant of Yah, like a leper.
2/4/2022 15:54:12
Genesis 14:21
Let's make a deal son of Light, says son of darkness
2/3/2022 13:25:57
CATEGORY #shabbat
Exodus 5:1-5
Shabbat leads to/requires freedom unto authority
12/31/2021 8:08:17
Genesis 2:1-3
The Father and head of household, steps into his role in the house that has now become home.
12/19/2021 10:38:58
CATEGORY #yourspirituallifeisnotyours...alone
Ephesians 4:15-16
your spiritual growth is partially the result of the work of others, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.
12/8/2021 13:29:14
Romans 15:14-16
you need other people to perform their spiritual job for your spiritual wellbeing no matter how well you are growing as an individual spiritually.
12/8/2021 13:08:08